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Why Holokai

All students share some central academic experiences, such as Religious Education courses and a core of math and English. But in addition to that, each student puts together a unique combination of programs that will include something in each of the following categories: Arts & Humanities, Math & Sciences, and Professional Studies. The shared compass for each student’s voyage is the BYU–Hawaii outcomes: that students develop both breadth and depth of knowledge and the thinking skills and character of a servant-leader, the ability to inquire, analyze, and communicate and to act with integrity, stewardship, and service, to prepare them to serve in a world community as productive, responsible citizens and as faithful members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

Introduction to Holokai | John Bell

The Three Categories

Arts & Humanities

In the Arts & Humanities category, programs explore what it means to be human and to interact with diverse others. This may take the form of historical, linguistic, or cultural inquiry, or it may be accomplished through active participation in the visual and performing arts.

Math & Sciences

Students will find that in the Math & Sciences category, the programs’ primary purpose is to engage students in learning and understanding pure and applied mathematics, algorithms, and/or scientific thinking. We define scientific thinking as a pattern of following the scientific method using quantitative, evidence-based reasoning and the formulation of testable explanations and predictions about the universe and our existence within it.

Professional Studies

In the Professional Studies category, the programs cover a wide range of disciplinary areas. They share a practical focus in helping students be well prepared for active social and civic engagement and to have the skills to help organizations and people learn and succeed.

Jennielynn's Holokai

Breadth and Depth of Education

All majors, minors, and certificates are grouped into three areas reflecting different ways of knowing (epistemologies). All students must complete their major in one area and a minor/certificate in each of the other two areas. Programs offered by the same department in different categories may be taken, but the second program from the same department will not count toward completing the graduation requirements. To complete graduation requirements, students must complete one program in different departments in each of the three areas: Arts & Humanities, Math & Sciences, and Professional Studies.

José's Holokai