Holokai Curriculum
Anciently, Pacific Islanders sailed to new lands in voyaging canoes using the stars and waves for navigation. The Hawaiians call this voyage holokai (kai = ocean, holo = to go, to move, to travel).

Today, students at BYU–Hawaii chart their own academic voyages. Students plan out individual paths to graduation and future destinations by combining a major with two minors or certificates. All majors, minors, and certificates are grouped into three core areas of study: Arts & Humanities, Math & Sciences, and Professional Studies. Students are required to complete their major in one area and a minor/certificate in each of the other two areas. Programs offered by the same department in different categories may be taken, but the second program from the same department will not count toward completing the academic program requirements.
Mapping out your own academic voyage allows you to have both breadth and depth of knowledge in a combination that will set you on your voyage to your own personal destination in life.
Category Combinations