Core Requirements Skip to main content

Core Requirements


BYU–Hawaii offers majors, minors, and certificates in three categories: Arts & Humanities, Math & Sciences, and Professional Studies. In order to earn a BYU–Hawaii degree, students must complete 120 credits and a combination of one major from one category and two minors/certificates (or additional majors if they fit within the four-year allotment) from each of the remaining categories. The responsibility rests with the students to see that their programs of study satisfy all the requirements for graduation listed in the catalog. Advisors and other members of the faculty and staff will assist in any way possible.

Core classes + major and two minors/certificates in three different areas (breadth and depth) + religious education = BYUH degree.

Core Classes

Holokai Foundations (1 credit hour)

This requirement is to be completed within the first year on campus, preferably a student's first semester.

Mathematics Requirement-Quantitative and Logical Reasoning (3-5 Credit Hours)

The math requirement can be completed by taking one of the following:

Reading/Writing/Speaking (6 Credit Hours)

  • ENGL 101 College Writing, Reading, and Research (3)
  • Advanced Writing (3 credit hours)— The advanced writing requirement can be completed by taking one of the following: ENGL 315 Topics for Advanced Writing and Analysis (3) or ENGL 316 Technical Writing (3)
  • Approved Senior Seminar in the major: HIST 490

Religious Education (8-14 Credit Hours Depending on Transfer Credits if Applicable)

  • REL 200 The Eternal Family
  • REL 225 Foundations of the Restoration
  • REL 250 Jesus Christ and the Everlasting Gospel
  • REL 275 The Teachings and Doctrine of the Book of Mormon (OR REL 121 + REL 122)
  • + 3 religion electives (one of which must be a scripture course)

Holokai Requirements for Students Transferring With an Associate’s Degree

Students who transfer with an associate degree from an accredited college or university, not including Associate of Applied Science, will be required to complete:

  • A major
  • STDEV 100R
  • The four CORE religion courses and residency religion requirements
  • Advanced Writing - ENGL 315

Students with an Associate of Applied Science must complete the full Holokai program. Students should see an advisor for any possible transfer equivalencies.